Tuesday, February 2, 2010

24 Hour Science Projects For Kids Do Exist!

"By The Way Mom/Dad, I have a Science Project Due Tomorrow!"

If you are a parent of an elementary school child, then you have heard those words, designed to test every ounce of patience that exists in your parenting skills.

How in the world are you going to pull off a successful  one day science fair project?
  • You know great science projects really should be your childs and not your child watching you.
  • You want to avoid one that is obvious a last minute quick, easy science fair project.
For Parents Currently in Panic Mode:
CLICK HERE NOW! 24 Hour Science Projects 

The TRICK is to find a One Day Science Fair Project that includes the research, affordable supply list, data recording sheets or charts and follows the standard science project board steps all in one place.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME to search here and there for all that stuff!

Here is what they mean by science project board--The Scientific Method---


If you are lucky, your child might give you some advanced notice, 

"By the way Mom/Dad I have a Science Project due on Monday."  
"By the way Mom/Dad I have a Science Project due next week."

Here are questions to use when searching online for original, Longer Than 24 Hour Science Projects:
  1.  Is the project you find the right type?  investigative, demonstration, research, model, or collection.
  2. Can your child do most of the project without it becoming a parent project?
  3. Will the project you find actually work?
  4. Are the supplies needed easy to find and affordable? 
  5. Will your child actually learn something useful from this project?  
  6. Are these home scinece projects for kids tested by teachers and parents?
  7. Do they pass the "cool test" by kids?

Other materials for when you have more time: